It’s been a month since I’ve done one of these so I should probably do another before the list of stuff to write about gets too big. This one will be kinda rushed just because there’s so much and I must clear the list! There’s so much I’ve missed too, especially with the bigger releases lately. It’s been ridiculous how many games have been released lately. I meant to publish this yesterday but Itch was down for most of the day. If you enjoy these, consider adding the blog to your RSS feed reader.
HAPPY99 is a tabletop rpg with a GM and multiple people each playing a hacker looking to take down S-CORP, the corporation ending the world in only a few short years. There is a demo on and a Kickstarter that wraps up in a few days.
Jet Set Steamboat Willie is a platformer for the ZX Spectrum celebrating Steamboat Willie becoming public domain and the 40th anniversary of Jet Set Willy. Available on as Pay-What-You-Want

Hand Eye Society is a non-profit in Toronto doing a lot of excellent work in the indie games space and could really use some financial help right now. Consider supporting them if you can.
This tutorial for using seems nice for new users.

Clothes Line is a short and free point-and-click adventure. I was sold by the line “Zero references to classic adventure games and zero fourth wall breaks”
Chalicebound is described as a short point-and-click adventure inspired by Shadowgate and looks very nice.
You Are Peter Shorts is a new game by ondydev, who is a game developer I’m a big fan of. It’s described as a Metroidvania beat-em-up hybrid. Their new game is on Steam and
It’s also been a good month for dungeon crawlers with the Wizardry remake by Digital Eclipse and this neat looking game Dragon Ruins
Somnabulist is a horror gamebook available in physical and digital forms by Valerie Paris, who has made a few games I’ve really enjoyed.

Anthology of the Killer is a collection of 9 games wrapped in a launcher. Winner of the 2024 IGF Nuovo Award!
A Chirp in Space is a cute free 3D platformer.
And finally, there has been a new Indiepocalypse with a new game by tipsheda.

Other Folks Talking About Indie Games
Remember when a ton of games like 1000X Resist came out on May 9? This post covers them better than I could.
This blog has a nice weekly Screenshot Saturday roundup of Mastodon posts.
Indie Tsushin continues doing great coverage of indie games in Japan.