Return of the Computer Store Photo Dump: Egghead Software, CompUSA, Computer City, and other random bits

I’m running out of time before Cohost completely shuts down, so here’s another big batch of pictures from the CompStoreVisuals. I guess I do have the archive of the account so they aren’t gone gone even after the site shuts down, but it’s still a good excuse to repost them to somewhere more permanent.

These aren’t really sorted in any order and I’d like to resume posting photos of computer stores at some point, I just have to make time to find more. Some of it is nostalgia but I’m also just fascinated by forms of retail that don’t exist anymore. I walked through a mall last weekend and while it was very busy (there’s another nearby that’s struggling), it was still weird to walk through Macy’s and think about how department stores like that and Sears were just things people went to all the time for everything instead of online. The unfortunate thing about being into a thing that barely exists is that it just gets harder to find stuff, especially with search engines getting worse. The big reason why I’m doing these reposts is because a lot of it just doesn’t seem to exist on the web anymore outside of the account, or it does and I just can’t find it.

two people looking at an area that's taped off and says "Windows 98 available here after midnight"
a group of people huddled around a desktop computer in CompUSA
Cashier training at CompUSA
3 desktop computers sitting in a big hallway

Photo of a Compaq Works store in Houston from the book Retail and Restaurant Spaces: An International Portfolio of 41 Designers (1999). I believe I got this one from checking out a book on the Internet Archive. Even if you aren’t into this extremely specific subject, it’s fascinating to look at old books covering retail and restaurants in general and seeing the trends in design.

a man is very excited about Windows Vista and has a fist in the air
Windows Vista launch party at a CompUSA store on January 29, 2007 in Houston, Texas
people walking through the doors of a compusa and a guy smiling at the camera

Honolulu, Hawaii

Forgot where I found this but I believe it was from a Black Friday sale

The front of a Computer City store
ad for Egghead Software showing products like MS-DOS 6, floppy disks, and MS Office
the front of a gateway country store that says the store name and has a box with a cow pattern
The front of a Gateway Country store, created by the Gateway computer company, and were around from the mid 90s to the mid 00s.
cover of catalog of Egghead Software guy dressed as santa and pushing a floppy disk down a chimney
Egghead Software guy dressed as Santa in his sleigh and advertising their stores
Ad for productivity software like an address book and recipe book
Catalog advertising games by Cinemaware and also a Who Framed Roger Rabbit game

1988 Egghead Software Catalog.

Originally posted by Foone on Twitter

newspaper ad showing deals at compusa on black friday and saying it's closed on Thanksgiving

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