Random CompUSA Link Dump

The process of copying over all my posts from Cohost before the shutdown continues, here’s some more things you might like to look at. You can find more of these posts here.

This blog contains a few photos of a CompUSA store.

Here is a short YouTube video of people buying Windows 95 on launch day at CompUSA and Egghead Software.

And here is a random photo of the kids section at a CompUSA. I think I just grabbed this from a google image search

the kids section of CompUSA that has a sign saying Comp Kids and looks like a short and planet

One thought on “Random CompUSA Link Dump

  1. Ah man, I used to live pretty close to a TigerDirect that later became a CompUSA. It felt like paradise.
    My dad and I took our old eMachines PC to their help desk once, and while a pallet of new eMachines sat maybe five feet away, the help desk guy sighed and said, “look, don’t buy another one of these.”

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