Sometimes between the time when I posted this to my computer store social media account a few years ago and now, most of the archives for this newspaper went down so I thought I would repost the Wayback Machine link for the Star Bulletin reporting in 1998 that the Computer City stores in its Waikele and Kakaako locations closed pending a $275 million acquisition by CompUSA. I just realized now that this lines up with when my local Computer City in Northville, Michigan had closed after only being open for two years. From browsing Wikipedia, it sounds like CompUSA had no interest in keeping the Computer City brand and either closed the stores (mine was fairly close to a CompUSA) or converted them to CompUSA stores.

associate Nancy Tapia, while he carts off the very last computer
system sold at Computer City’s Victoria Ward store. The store
is now closed, making way for Pier 1 Imports.“
I also came across this article about a Computer City opening.

Photo by Kathryn Bender, Star-Bulletin