It’s Itch.io’s Creators Day, where they aren’t taking a cut from sales today. I’ve put all my paid games in a little bundle you can pick up if you want some solo TTRPGs.
Shannon McMaster has a cool and free system-neutral guide to hex crawling in time dimensions for your tabletop rpg.
Misty has a great post on Cohost about all the games she enjoyed playing while judging for the Independent Games Festival.
Hand Eye Society’s Super FESTival is still going on. Check out all the great talks and indie games going on.
Goose has made a very good demake for the Game Boy of a game they previously made a decade before for a game jam.
James Chip has a new solo journaling game set in space. It’s based off their previous game The Adventurer and seems very cool.
The results of this year’s IFComp were just announced and as usual, it’s another great batch of interactive fiction games that are worth your time.
In Stars and Time looks like a very nice time loop rpg that’s now available on Steam.
There’s a new Indie Tsushin, highlighting indie games from Japan.
Tristam Island is now open source and released under a Creative Commons license. It seems like a great reference if you’re looking to build a text adventure game in PunyInform for retro platforms.