What I’m Up To (2024-09-18)

Last week I did a check-in post and here I am, doing another one. Here’s what’s going on in my life:

  • I mentioned last week that I paused all my game dev projects because of potential contract game dev work coming up and good news, it’s here! I can’t talk about it yet but I am cramming as much GB Studio knowledge as possible and it’s very exciting. It’s not a big project at all but I think it will be fun.
  • This weekend I got to volunteer with Friends of the Rouge to replace a bunch of boring grass near me with a rain garden that will be good for pollinators and reduce runoff. It was a great experience but the workout kicked my butt and I’m finally healing from that. But if you’re feeling down about the world, go volunteer at a thing! It helped me a lot anyway.
  • I’m going to attempt to listen to my entire record collection and my previous blog post is about that.

So sort of a busy week but at the same time, not a lot to talk about either. But I’m doing well and excited to work on things I can’t talk about for a few months! Here’s photos of the rain garden in Plymouth.

Rain garden extending between a pickleball court and baseball field
Rain garden next to a pickleball court

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