I’m posting this one a little early because today (Friday) is the Itch.io Creator’s Day, where the site isn’t taking a cut from sales. Luckily this week’s post is much smaller than last week’s. People are doing sales as well since it’s the Autumn Sale. Go pick up a game or two! If you like these roundups, consider supporting me on Ko-Fi or buy my games!
Solitomb (Itch.io) is a dungeon crawler based on the solitaire card game made in PICO-8. It’s playable for free in the browser but also has a downloadable version for sale to support the developer.

Kid Blocks (Itch.io) is a very chill and minimalist train track building toy. I think it nails the look of wooden toy trains that a lot of us played with as kids and it was fun watching the scenes I built come to life with little people and trains moving around as I created loops of tracks and built houses. It’s just $1 too.
Meditation On Your Body (Itch.io) is a solo journaling game by the fanastic interactive fiction writer Norbez Jones. You draw tarot cards and reflect on parts of your body. Available as Pay-What-You-Want.
Advent Windows (Itch.io) is a new text adventure created by Andrew Plotkin for the Confounding Calendar 2024. The game has the clever design and great writing you would expect from one of his games. It’s free and playable in the browser. If you’ve never played a text adventure before, I think this one you could start with.

Entries for the Videotome Jam (Itch.io) continue to come in. I really liked playing thunk and slime feet this week.
Fill in the [ ] CITY (Itch.io) is a Pay-What-You-Want city building ttrpg by Viditya Voleti. Sometimes you read a game at 10:30pm and go “ARGH I want to play this right now!” but you can’t because it’s 10:30pm and you simply cannot get the people together for that and even if you could you have to get up early for work tomorrow morning, come on, you don’t want to be tired all day at work. Just wait until you have a good time scheduled to play this. Chill out.
Anyway, that’s how I felt about Fill in the [] CITY.

Torasu (Itch.io) is a Pay-What-You-Want love letter to the NES version of Gyruss. That version of Gyruss rules and so does this.
Sunk Cost (Itch.io) is a ttrpg for 3-5 Freebooters and one Grotto Master set in Cardinal Basin, a fantasy world that suffered an apocalyptic flood. It’s currently early in development and available to download for free.

Sluggish Morss: The Table Top RPG (Itch.io) is a storytelling ttrpg based on the video game of the same name. This is perfect timing for me since I just started playing the dev’s game Judero and loving that. It’s currently having a launch sale where it’s available for £11.20 GBP and has a free quickstart version if you want to get a feel for what the game is like.
Games to Wishlist
Here’s a couple of games that seem neat and might be worth adding to your wishlist:

Rock Digger (Steam) is an upcoming resource management platformer game where you explore an alien planet, dig for resources, and try to find secrets. It has a demo if you want to try it out.
Mesektet (Steam) is an upcoming sci-fi point-and-click adventure by Point & Pixel Adventures where you explore an archaeological site and discover a greater mystery.