Not a whole lot to say this week. Blogs are good and this week is very retro games and tech focused. Maybe you’ll find something new to add to your RSS feed reader.
Video Games
I don’t think I’ve mentioned Wes Fenlon’s Read Only Memo newsletter but it’s good stuff. Primarily focused on emulation, this week is about Nintendo once again going after emulators. reviews the new Amiga roguelike Roguecraft. I also just like the streams these folks do.
Leaded Solder makes a new game for the Famicom using Nintendo Family Basic.
Ephemeral Enigmas reviews the wild PS2 game TVDJ.
I didn’t know there was a blog about the Hugo IF standard library but here we are. This post is about Hugo file limits.
As everyone knows, I will take any excuse to post about Myst Online. The community recently had a contest to build to fan Ages in the game and here are the results.
I will also take any excuse to post about Golfshrine Online, a site dedicated to golf video games. I hate the real sport of golf but enjoy the video games. The most recent post is about getting Links: Flying to Phoenix – the Japanese PC release of Links LS 1999.
Nadia Nova, creator of adult games like Slime Feet, made a tutorial for getting started making VNs.
RoJo Aventuras is a great adventure games blog in Spanish and I appreciate this review of the newest chapter in the Stellar Mess series.
Not a blog but for whatever reason I get excited whenever a game dev posts a recipe (cmon, consider it) and liked this bluesky post of John Romero’s enchilada sauce recipe.
I never thought about how you could have a bot follow RSS feeds in Discord and post in a channel when a new post came up.
Computer Chronicles Revisited is back! The blog is a review of the classic technology show from the 80’s and 90’s.
Will Smith praises Fastmail and I have to agree. There’s probably a longer post in me about why moving from Gmail to Fastmail is great even though you have to pay for it, but I don’t think it costs that much, Fastmail has a lot of nice features Gmail doesn’t, the client is indeed fast, and also just not seeing ads in your email client is nice too.
I follow multiple personal blogs where people like to talk about their bikes and I just think that’s a lot of fun. So here’s one where someone talks about converting their bike to a cargo EBike.
I didn’t know David Petersen, creator of Mouse Guard, had a blog but now I do. So have some Mouse Guard cover art.
Have some nice photography from The Works of Egan and Renkon.
That’s it for this week. Have a nice Sunday!
I use MonitoRSS to automatically post RSS feed items into relevant channels on their community Discords, since some of the sites I run have RSS feeds but users don’t really want to learn to follow them anymore.
That sounds like a fun way to have the articles shared in the discord for discussion