Todaybor Day is Labor Day! It looks like I managed to do these two weeks in a row. I’m still getting caught up on my backlog of games to talk about but if you recently released something that you want included, always feel free to send me an email, message me on social media (see About page), or just reply to this post with a link to your thing to let me know it’s out.

Five Years Old Memories (Steam): A short game collecting interactive animations and featuring interviews with the developer’s friends of their memories of when they were five years old. I saw a review discussing how the game was influenced by 90s multimedia cd-roms and yes, absolutely, it rules and I love seeing people being inspired by this era of software. It’s about 30 minutes long for a playthrough and only $3.

Wherever You Hike ( A short walking game made in 10 weeks by a team of two where you just walk and canoe in a relaxing area until you feel satisfied. It’s just a nice, relaxing space to spend a few minutes and is Pay-What-You-Want.

ARMORED SHELL NIGHTJAR ( Created for MechJam V by Warkus and Modus Interactive (two folks from the HauntedPS1 community), it’s a Getting Over It-like where you navigate intentionally awkward controls inside a mech to climb up a tower. I’m awful at these types of games but it’s very good.

Chalicebound ( Another game by Warkus, this is a short demo inspired by the classic adventure game Shadowgate. I always get excited when new games are inspired by the classic MacVenture series (Shadowgate, Uninvited, Deja Vu 1 and 2) and this one is great and creepy. It’s just a demo but I hope we get a longer, commercial game someday.

Nightmare SuperHighway ( It’s another “Walking Sim” (I’m fine with the term!) where you explore a series of creepy spaces. I just walking around well-crafted spaces and this is one of those!

Roguecraft ( Roguecraft is a brand-new roguelike for the Amiga inspired by Lovecraft. I haven’t played this one yet but hell yes, new Amiga games. I’m also a big fan of the publisher, Thalamus, and there’s a boxed copy of the game as well if you want to get a new physical copy of an Amiga game in the year 2024.

Erenshor (Steam): Erenshor is a single player rpg strongly inspired by late 90s/early 00s MMORPGs and emulates how those games played. It only has a demo out right now and I haven’t played it yet, but I’ve been watching BogusMeatFactory play this on Twitch and it seems like a lovely rpg that I’ll have to play someday.
Other People Talking About Indies
A new Indie Tsushin (website) came out today! It’s great, like they always are!
Self Promo Zone
Thank you for reading these! Consider supporting my work on Ko-fi so I can buy more games/maintain site costs, checking out my games on, following me on Twitch where I will do more streams of these short indies, checking out previous indie game roundups, or just by sharing these posts. An anthology I helped organize also came out this summer on Steam and