Indie Game Roundup (Sept. 27, 2024)

Well, this is the last roundup I’m doing before Cohost becomes read-only, so if you’ve enjoyed these consider subscribing to my RSS feed? I’ve still got a backlog of games to post about but if there’s something cool you’ve (or a friend) worked on, please let me know either on social media or in the comments here. Or even just comment on this post with what you’ve been playing lately, indie or not, I always love to hear that too.

purple bug sitting in a floatation device and the text says good night egg bug

With Cohost winding down, some people have started to make games and toys featuring its mascot Eggbug. You can find some in this collection on but I’m sure there’s plenty of other games too, like this game and this eggbug creation tool.

Speaking of Cohost, people there keep talking about how great Crypt Worlds ( is. I haven’t played it yet but the devs have been making free games for a long time and it sounds like they could really use the support right now, so consider picking it up.

I’m not a racing person but Golden Lap (Steam) seems like a fun management game from the people who brought you Art of Rally.

Parking Garage Rally Circuit (Steam) looks like a Sega Saturn-ish inspired arcade racing game and the reviews for it have been very positive so far.

screenshot of a little purple kobold and a dragon sitting on a nest in a jail cell
Gurk in Trouble

Ramón Wilhelm made a free point-and-click adventure game a while ago that I really enjoyed called Yip Quest, and he’s back at it again with another kobold adventure game called Gurk in Trouble ( It’s free and playable in the browser too.

It was part of the $108 Adventure Game Challenge game jam, which got a bunch of entries. Consider checking those out on Itch.

person running in a rundown hallway and there's a text parser
Terminal City

There were also some really interesting adventure games that were made for the PowerJam3 game jam back in August too (see, big backlog of things to post). These games ( were made using the PowerQuest plugin for Unity. PowerQuest is a tool just for making point-and-click adventures and kinda sorta feels like Adventure Game Studio from my limited experience with both. The one that seemed to get the most attention was Terminal City, a game that plays like an endless runner but with a text parser, but check them all out.

two people standing in front of a hospital and the man saying "This hospital is strangely silent for a medical facility"
Devil’s Hideout

Devil’s Hideout (Steam/ came out earlier this month if you’re looking for horror point-and-click adventures. I’m a big fan of Cosmic Void’s games and this is another great one.

first person view of a gun shooting at some bugs and a big worm

Exophobia (Steam) is a retro-looking FPS that was released back in July that I enjoyed even despite some of my exhaustion of the retro FPS revival that’s happening (partially because they just look and don’t feel retro). This one is kind of a mix of early FPS like Wolfenstein 3D and Catacomb 3D and Metroid-style exploration games.

That’s it for this week. Thanks for reading!

2 thoughts on “Indie Game Roundup (Sept. 27, 2024)

  1. Great recs and RIP cohost. I’ve been wondering about Exophobia and Devil’s Hideout. I’ve been playing a ton of UFO 50 lately, and me and my partner just finished up the 12th and final part of our playthrough of Walthros: Renewal on stream this week. Walthros:R. was so good and the quirky sense of humor and relatable characters were so nice to have in a classic JRPG setting that I think it might be my new favorite indie RPG.
    We’re also going to start playing through some horror games soon for Spooktober but not sure which beside Clocktower remaster.

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