I continue my efforts to put every photo from the CompStoreVisuals account from Cohost (and then eventually the Twitter archive and Mastodon) on my site so there will be a longer lasting home for them. For whatever reason, this one will have more of a Christmas theme to theme. It must have been that time of year when I started posting these pics but I guess it kinda fits in now too.

Not sure where I originally grabbed this one. It has appeared in a few places on the internet and now there’s one more place!

Sierra On-Line’s Christmas cards, designed to play on computers in stores
1992 CompUSA Christmas commercial

The Internet Archive has a few pages from a Christmas catalog for Egghead Software from 1990, however my Cohost account says 1991 so maybe someone corrected me based on the games featured? Or I’m just wrong there.

Here’s an article from a news report from the video game department of a Sears in 1982. Includes shots of Atari computers.
But you know what’s no longer here? The actual footage! Something that’s been incredibly frustrating and sad about maintaining these accounts and posting photos is that I’ve only been doing it for a couple of years and so much disappears! Not just actual stores closing, since it’s a dying form of commerce, but all the sites and videos that will suddenly disappear overnight. Sometimes my goofy accounts are the only places that have preserved photos, which is why I keep reposting them since Cohost and Twitter have both basically died in the last couple years as well. People like to say that things last forever on the internet but they really don’t! I’ve saved a few videos from my time doing this but not this one. If you can find it, please let me know so I can link to it here.

Scans of an article about a computer auction, taken from the July 7, 1990 issue of New Computer Express on the Internet Archive

The Used Computer Store Berkeley, California
I linked to this in my latest blog roundup! It’s a good post good job https://blog.dante.cool/link-roundup-17-wei-shen-would-have-loved-the-medieval-silk-road/
thank you!